Welcome to my blog. This blog is an uncut, raw account of the trials and tribulations of my struggles in my weight loss journey. It is my hope to inspire the people reading this blog, create awareness, hold myself accountable, brag, bitch, laugh and cry. I am a recovering food addict and couch potato. I would live on ice cream and reality television if I could. Please feel free to learn from my mistakes.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Sunday, bloody Sunday.

I have been lax in my tracking my eating lately which has led to a plateau. Anyone on my facebook page knows that I have been working out like crazy. I am proud of this. I am actually sitting here today feeling bad that I am not going to run. I cannot even tell you the last day that I didn't work out (I just checked and it was Thursday, February 23rd). Mind you, I plan to take a walk in this beautiful weather. Besides, my knee has been bugging me and I probably should rest it by doing something less strenuous. I digress. ANYWAY, with that kind of working out (running, boxing, weightlifting) I should be losing weight. I am sure you can all figure out that I am writing this because I haven't been losing weight. I know that it all comes down to my eating. Food is my drug. I turn to it for all matters. I lose control around it. I wish that I could have candy/chocolate/cake/sweets in the house and be able to eat a normal amount and forget about it. I wish that I didn't like to go out to eat so much. I also wish that I could feel good ordering healthy food at a restaurant. Mind you, I have made some gains in the eating department. I can no longer eat at most fast food burger joints. I also have lost all cravings for doughnuts (I don't like how I feel after eating doughnuts or fast food).

I like to polish things off. If we have cookies I feel like I need to eat them all as quickly as possible. I cannot stop thinking about them until they are gone. I just polished off the leftover rice krispy treats. I wasn't even hungry! Speaking of, I like to eat. It doesn't matter if I am hungry. To make matters worse, I very rarely feel full.

I still have some weight to lose. Ideally, I would like to lose another 40 pounds. In order to this I need to get my eating under control. I am proud that I have exercising under control. This will be my toughest struggle yet. I continue to subscribe to Weight Watchers online. I plan to start tracking my points and actually writing down what I eat. I also plan to weigh in on Sundays. I tend to eat terribly during the weekends and I hope that weighing in on Sundays will help to curb that bad habit. I also plan to buy a measuring tape and start taking measurements as well as weekly pictures. I am going to do some reading this weekend to encourage good eating. I plan to put this all in place this Sunday 3/18/12. It is written here so that I hold myself accountable. Please feel free to assist me in this. I am not looking for 100% accuracy as that would be setting myself up for failure. Ultimately, I need to find happiness in things not related to food. I need to create a different relationship with food. This will be tough stuff.

I welcome your feedback.


  1. I just joined WW again today. I need to control what I eat. I actually have a friend who was diagnosed with an eating disorder: Compulsive Overeating/Binge Eating. She and I have talked about food and her disorder sounds a lot like the relationship that you and I have with food. I'm right there with you lady!! Supporting you 100%

    1. Thanks Jen for your comments. I appreciate them very much. Weight Watchers has been good for me. It provides me the structure that I need but is not too restricting (i.e., I can only eat grapefruit and can never have chocolate). I hope that you find success in the program. Are you doing it online or going to meetings?

    2. I'm doing it online. It's been a struggle for me to get back into the habit of tracking all of my food. I have an app on my tablet, and I find that it is easier to add foods there than logging onto the website and using that food tracker. I too am tracking my weight on Sundays.
