Welcome to my blog. This blog is an uncut, raw account of the trials and tribulations of my struggles in my weight loss journey. It is my hope to inspire the people reading this blog, create awareness, hold myself accountable, brag, bitch, laugh and cry. I am a recovering food addict and couch potato. I would live on ice cream and reality television if I could. Please feel free to learn from my mistakes.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Stopping and starting

My weight loss journey involves a lot of stopping and starting.  I do really well for awhile and then I get stuck.  I am stuck again.  I have not blogged lately and I think that this may have led to some of the stopping.  I have had a very busy summer so far and I also think that might be part of the problem.  Finally, I feel like a monster takes over and I eat when I am not hungry or just keep eating.  I had this experience the other day.  I have switched positions since my last blog.  I am so much happier.  The only problem is that there is always food there and it is always next to my desk.  I asked if we could hold off on cake for a week and my coworkers managed to last 4 days.  Ever since, there is some sort of delicious food every day.  This monster takes me over and I start eating these foods.  Many times I feel like I cannot stop.  Generally, I eat these foods when I am not hungry.  Once I get home I figured I have fucked up already so who gives a shit and I eat.  The last time I did this I bought ice cream and proceeded to eat a lot of it despite not being hungry. When these occurrences happen it feels as if I am having an out of body experience.  My body is saying no but my mind is saying yes.  I have been at this new position for 6 weeks and I have struggles every day.  I do not understand how I did not have any problems with avoiding foods at the other place I worked but here I cannot stop myself.  I honestly have no self control.  I am not sure what to do to stop it.  Here are my thoughts:

I really would like to lose another 10 pounds and then take it from there (decide if I want to lose more or just maintain).  I have had my eye on a very expensive purse for a few years now and have decided that this will be my prize for losing the 10 pounds.  I wonder if putting a picture of the purse up at my desk will help me to be more successful.  Or would putting a very unflattering picture of me when I was heavier help?  I am also stealing from my friends and making smaller goals to work towards.  My first goal is to stay on track for 6/7 days of the week (ending next Sunday).  I will weigh in at WW next Sunday to hold myself accountable.  When I complete this I can buy new boxing gloves (my old gloves smell worse than my dog Lixy's breath).  I am open to suggestions about getting over this food hurdle and getting back on track as well as prizes and short term goals to keep me motivated.  Finally, sigh, I am going to work on cutting down on my ice cream consumption.  I am going to have ice cream every other day to start (rather than everyday) and try to wean myself to one to two times per week.  These eating habits are ingrained and very difficult to break.  *Keep your fingers crossed*

More 5ks!

Here are some pictures from my most recent 5ks.  I am hoping to complete a few more this summer.