Welcome to my blog. This blog is an uncut, raw account of the trials and tribulations of my struggles in my weight loss journey. It is my hope to inspire the people reading this blog, create awareness, hold myself accountable, brag, bitch, laugh and cry. I am a recovering food addict and couch potato. I would live on ice cream and reality television if I could. Please feel free to learn from my mistakes.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cinco de Mayo

I made it past Cinco de Mayo without gaining weight!!!  I have started going to the Weight Watchers meetings on Sunday mornings.  I feel that it holds me accountable during the weekends.  I find it to be very challenging because this is usually when we want to go out to eat and drink.  I have decided to allow myself whatever I would like on Sundays after the meetings.  Despite this, I usually make good choices.  Since re-committing to Weight Watchers 3 weeks ago I am down 7 pounds (I even had Culver's custard last night).  I am at a weight that I have not been at since I lived in Washington D.C. 10 years ago.  I am starting to notice additional changes in my body.  I feel that my calves are skinnier (still big but smaller than before) and my shoulders are more defined.  I completed my first 5K of the season last Saturday at the Rock n' Run.  My time was 30:45.  At first I was disappointed because I was really focused on being under 30 minutes.  However, when I compared my time to the same race last year I was 4 minutes faster!  And if I go all the way back to my very first 5K approximately 2 (or was it three) years ago I am down a whopping 15 minutes off of that time.  I am really working hard to try to give myself credit when credit is due rather then focus on what I still have left to do or what I haven't done.  This is very difficult for me.  I am excellent at pointing out the negative and letting those thoughts prevail.

I have another 5K coming up next Saturday.  Ruston will be running it with me.  This will be his second 5K.  It is frustrating how quickly a man can build up running speed and endurance.  He beat me in his very first 5K.  I am extremely proud of him but wish that my speed would progress that quickly.

This is us at the Rock n' Run on Saturday, April 28th 2012.  I had a completion time of 30:45.

I have started a new job at a facility approximately 45 minutes away.  The building is beautiful and the staff are all nice.  However, the hours that the district manager thought we would have have not panned out.  I just don't think it is worth it to drive that far to work 4 hours.  I have also witnessed some questionable ethical things that I am not comfortable with.  I just don't think that I am the right fit for that building.  It is a terrible feeling to have so quickly after starting and it leaves me wondering what to do.  I am trying to not let it sabotage my weight loss efforts.  This too, is hard.